July 31, 2018

Missouri State Senator, 21st District

From Holmes Osborne:

Missouri is falling behind the rest of the country.  We’ve lost many companies here in the Kansas City area including Harley Davidson and Procter & Gamble.  St. Louis ranks as the second most dangerous city in the United States and Kansas City is high on the list too.  The cost of health care is outrageous and our legislature passed up on Medicaid money from the federal government for political reasons.  Our leaders in Jefferson City are not paying attention to these issues and until recently, were focused upon ousting the former Governor.

What has been done about our roads?  We have the 46th lowest gas taxes in the country and our roads show it.  The bridge repairs around Independence are a start be we have a long way to go.  Did you know that 24 Highway runs from Colorado, through Independence, and all the way to Detroit?  This major thoroughfare through our city needs to be updated.  Voters will have a chance to vote on a 10¢ gas increase in November.

 Holmes Osborne is a candidate for state representative in the 21st District.  The current state representative, Ira Anders, has done a wonderful job but is termed out and cannot run again.  Holmes was born in Independence, raised in Bates City, the father of two young daughters who attend our wonderful public schools.  His mother taught at Palmer Middle School in the 1970s and his father is a retired member of the AFL-CIO.  The election is August 7, 2018.  There is a three-way contest in the Democratic primary with no Republican running.  In addition, if you like unions, vote “No” on Proposition A, the Right-to-Work initiative. 

Candidates please send your submissions to editor@inter-citynews.com and they will be published in the order in which they are received.

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