July 28, 2014


The Inter-City News would like to thank the candidates who took the time to reply to our question. We hope that our readers will not only show up at the polls and be counted on Election Day, but that they will encourage their friends and relatives to vote as well. If you find a candidate that you feel will help the Inter-City, please support that candidate with your time and/or contributions, and by spreading the word!
THE INTER-CITY NEWS ASKED CANDIDATES:"If you are elected, what can and will you do for the Inter-City area with respect to economic development, public safety, and social services?"
Jackson County Legislature, 1st District At Large
Sherwood Smith
“I'm a 36 year member of the Kansas City Fire Department and a 23 year Captain, very familiar with the Inter-City area. If I am elected no area will feel as if they are forgotten. I will make it my mission to bring economic development to the area. You are probably saying…sure you will!! Let me tell you why I think this can be done. First, the unincorporated land area is under our jurisdiction and should be a priority. Second, Inter-City is an inner ring suburb, vital to the heartbeat of the region. I will see that Blue Summit has adequate police protection by the Sheriff’s Department and also assist the Fire Department you now have, and I would insist that all codes in the area are adhered to and work to add a County micro lending program to assist small business owners in the area."

Frank White, Jr.
"Too often the 1,000 or so folks (including many hard-working families and retirees) who call that area and its neighborhoods home feel they receive second class service from their local governments. I will support and try to increase efforts by the county’s public works department and our Sheriff’s office to identify and remove abandoned houses, along with making sure property owners maintain vacant lots keeping them mowed and free from trash and debris. I also hope to be involved in the legislature’s Land Use Committee and to look for ways to encourage clean, productive businesses to locate or expand in the area."

State Legislature, 22nd District
Brandon Ellington
"I will continue to work on incentives that promote small business growth as well as incentives for redevelopment of abandoned infrastructure. Example: I filed bills dealing with both issues:
1.The Economic Grant Program (HB1400)
2.Small business tax credit (HB 1403).
There are multiple factors we have to take into account when dealing with public safety, such as poverty, social status, mental health issues, community awareness, & blighted infrastructure.
So here are a few bills I've filed to deal with the above: Increase in minimum wage, 1 cent sales tax on guns dedicated to mental health services, certification and bonding of working inmates.
By providing a living wage you start to combat poverty, providing increased funding for mental health services you start to address issues that definitely effect public safety, certify and bonding inmates give them the ability to gain employment upon release which reduces the necessity to commit crime.
I will continue to fight for the perseverance of social programs however I feel that some of the policies have to change."

United States Congress, Fifth District
Bill Lindsay (R)
"I am prepared to lead and ready to provide the leadership needed in the Fifth district. I am a veteran of the Kansas Army National Guard and an urban teacher and debate coach who brings academic excellence into my teaching and success through my debate program. I am married and have three grown children. My education includes AA, BA and MA degrees.
I plan to introduce legislation that will bring manufacturing back to the Fifth district which will further lead to money being circulated, which will help support the infrastructure of our struggling communities. For public safety I will present legislation that will provide education on gun safety and proper usage. I will introduce legislation that will make mental health services readily available for those who can be considered threats to our communities as well as give local law enforcement training in identifying mental health risks and providing better enforcement of the threats from those who suffer from mental disorders."

Eric Holmes (D)
"No matter who promises what, the pork will run out soon. A professional politician will promise the federal government will come to the rescue. In reality the solution best passed for the Inter-City will be the solution to turn the whole economy around. Congress can lower the federal minimum wage so more people can work. Congress can eliminate barriers to investments and entrepreneurship. Congress can fund more enforcement of drug trafficking laws. Congress can stop the Justice Department from suing banks, which is drying up investment dollars. I had a chance to witness first hand the most dangerous place on earth becoming the safest place in Iraq. The solution was finding concerned citizens who stand up and make an impact. Local leaders who do volunteer to lead need to be heard and listened to. They will be the source of any lasting impact. I will work with anyone on any idea who comes forward and wants to make an impact in his home. The US cannot solve another nation’s problems; we can only assist local leaders. This is the lesson learned from Iraq and Afghanistan. The same holds true in Missouri. Washington cannot solve local problems. Washington can only assist."

Bob Gough (D)
"Inter-City is an ideal community for Democratic candidates. The goal of every Democratic politician is to create a dependent, needy voter base, block economic development, and get reelected. Congressman Cleaver and all the Democratic state representatives don’t have to spend a dime campaigning in Inter-City area. The dependent voters of Inter-City give the Democratic politicians nearly every vote every election. The area is ignored by politicians because it would be politically dangerous to Democrats if the area became prosperous.
Prosperous communities like Lee’s Summit and Blue Springs have great economic development, public safety and social services. But they have Republican state representatives and Congressman Cleaver will have difficulty getting votes from these prosperous areas, but the solid Democratic votes from inter-City will more than make up for Lee’s Summit and Blue Springs votes.
The question on August fifth is: Which Democratic candidate should I vote for? Since I live in Lee’s Summit, I know what make[s] a prosperous community. Vote for Bob Gough on August fifth."

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